Corporate Governance Framework

Corporate Governance Framework

Corporate Governance Framework

As an organisation engaged in the promotion of corporate governance in Mauritius, the MIoD complies with the National Code of Corporate Governance 2016 and seeks to be a model of Corporate Governance. The MIoD’s corporate governance framework is represented below:

The Board is responsible for setting out and reviewing the strategic objectives of the Company, determining its policies and monitoring their implementation. It is also responsible for ensuring that procedures and processes are in place for the protection of the Company’s assets and reputation and that all relevant legislations, regulation and best international practices are complied with.

Read about the Board Charter and the MIoD’s Constitution 

The Directors

The Board is composed of nine independent non-executive directors (including the Chairperson), one non-executive director and one executive director, namely the CEO. All directors of the Company are required to exercise their powers honestly in good faith in the best interests of the company and for the respective purposes for which such powers are explicitly or impliedly conferred. They are also required to exercise the degree of care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances.

The independent non-executive directors are primarily responsible for constructively challenging the CEO and in monitoring the success of the CEO in delivering the agreed strategy within the risk appetite approved by the Board.

The CEO is responsible, inter alia, for driving the implementation of the MIoD’s strategy, striving consistently to achieve the company’s goals and objectives and ensuring long-term sustainability of the Company.

The profile of each director is set out under the section Our Board of Directors on this website.

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