Launch of our DF Position Paper 6 on “Effective and sustainable good governance practices of family businesses”

Launch of our DF Position Paper 6 on “Effective and sustainable good governance practices of family businesses”

We are proud to announce the launch of our Directors Forum Position Paper 6 on “Effective and sustainable good governance practices of family businesses”, a joint collaboration between PwC Mauritius and the MIoD with the participation of Sheila Ujoodha , Chairperson of the Directors Forum and CEO at MIoD and Julien Tyack ,Partner at PwC Mauritius.

This documentation is a guide to the efficient and sustainable good governance practices of family businesses, and highlights the common challenges faced, while providing solutions and key considerations.

Special thanks to our guest speakers Arif Currimjee, Director at Currimjee Jeewanjee, a founder member of the MIoD and Andrea Benkenstein, Family Governance Specialist, PwC Africa Family Business Centre of Excellence, sharing their respective insights on good governance in family businesses.

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